Monday, November 24, 2008

Is Public Speaking Back in Style

Fellow coach Lisa Braithwaite found this article online - Presidentially Speaking: 59% Say Public Speaking is Back in Fashion suggesting public speaking is back in style!

It outlines a survey of 1700 anonymous USA voters who felt the abilities of President-Elect Barack Obama vs. the ability of Sen. John McCain in the public speaking arena weighed heavily on their choice of whom they would elect.

The conclusion of the article is that 'Public Speaking is Back in Style' - that poor speakers are now held to a higher standard than they have been in years. Whether our presidential election was decided by public speaking is not 100% sound theory - but it certainly had an effect.

Quality public speaking goes beyond keeping your 'ahs & uhms' under control. Physical delivery, facial expression, vocal control, word choice, and authenticity all impact the effectiveness of your communication.

Have you ever heard a bad speech? Have you ever given one? I know I have - and it has driven me to improve my own skills, and dedicate a significant portion of my career to helping others improve theirs.

What will YOU do to ensure your next speaking opportunity, to your employees, stockholders, or association hits the mark? If public speaking is back in style, you may be called to speak sooner than you think!