Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Perspective of Success

Is success having it all, having the ability to have it all, giving it all away, or not needing it at all?

The world would answer "having it all". The ability to have it all is more the Sam Walton still drives a beat-up pick-up truck mentality. Giving it all away may mean living within your means and donating the rest.

Not needing to have it all - is that modesty, discipline, or settling?

What is having it all to you? Is it wrapped up in cars, homes, and other 'toys'? Is it family and fun? Is it good health? Clothes? Entertainment? For some, having it all is simply have the some outflow of money as inflow, without any real sacrifices.

Success can be found at many levels, and my success may not be your success. Even the more politically correct forms of success - the mushy gushy "my child looked at me and said I was the best Daddy ever" doesn't necessarily translate into success.

What is your definition of success? When you look in the mirror in the morning. When you sit alone in your car. When you lay awake at night. Are you content? Are you reaching YOUR goals? When its not about THEM - your boss, your friends, your family - are YOU satisfied with your day, your effort, your actions?

Are you a success?

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