Saturday, March 3, 2007

Why am I back?

To be perfectly honest, I've resurrected this blog because it came up fairly high in the search engine if you look for "Rich Hopkins", and since I'm competing with both a musician and a stunt double for name recognition, I thought I better take advantage!

Isn't it amazing how often we overlook resources that we've gathered or created? At Toastmasters last week, a speech was given using a box full of old photos and journals from a University class over 100 years ago. The speech was about how eventually our lives are just dust, and what matters is the 'dash', and that we better enjoy it while we can.

As the evaluator, I couldn't resist pointing out the potential for an all out keynote speech from this material, a website, a book - so many things that the riches in that box could lead to.

Is it time for you to reassess your resources? What do you have in your possession right now that could change your life? When was the last time you cleaned out your attic, closet, or garage?

The people around us often become 'lost resources'. Who do you know that could make a connection to help you change direction in a job, or even just a casual dream? Do you walk into local stores and meet the people close to you?

We can sit and wish we had something or knew someone, or we can go out and find it for ourselves. And sometimes, its in our own backyard.

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