Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Perspective of Respect

"If you were any good, you'd be pitching for the Yankees!"

This quote, as reported by Ken Rosenthal at Fox Sports, comes from Cleveland Indians pitcher Paul Byrd's son - at the age of 7. Mr. Byrd was the winning pitcher this week ushering the Yankees out of the playoffs in the first round yet again.

Funny how a combination of marketing by the Yankees and the old concept of "familiarity breeds contempt" can taint someone's image. Paul Byrd has pitched in the major leagues for a decade, has a 97-81 record, and had a terrific year this year at 15-8. Not STELLAR, but pretty darn good, and worthy of respect.

Of course, the average 7 year old would be thrilled to have a father in the Major Leagues, but they come from the perspective of NOT having their father playing baseball for a living. For the Mr. Byrd's progeny, his perspective is that it is the norm, and why isn't his father the BEST - as we all try to push on our heroes in life?

They say respect is earned and not given. But what contitutes earning it is different for everyone. What are YOU demanding from those looking for your respect?


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